International Trade

Export From India to Australia

The Best Products to Export From India to Australia

Reading Time: 4 minutes India and Australia have had a strong relationship for centuries, and both countries depend on each other for different goods and services. The trading relationship between these two countries has always been growing, and it is one of the best times in history, with trade reaching about 20 billion Australian dollars in the last few …

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Pulse Import in India

Revealing the Pulse Import in India: Exploring Indian Import Data

Reading Time: 4 minutes India, a nation renowned for its diverse culinary tapestry and rich agricultural heritage, places pulses at the heart of its food culture. These humble legumes, ranging from lentils to chickpeas, provide not only a delightful array of flavors but also serve as a crucial source of protein for millions. While pulses are a staple on …

Revealing the Pulse Import in India: Exploring Indian Import Data Read More »

Foreign Trade Policy

India’s New Foreign Trade Policy of 2023: A Game Changer for Boosting Exports and Economic Growth

Reading Time: 4 minutes India has always been known as a land of diverse cultures and traditions. The Indian economy has also become a global powerhouse in recent years. In recent years, India’s foreign trade policy has been undergoing a transformation to boost exports and strengthen its position in the global market. The new Foreign Trade Policy 2023 is …

India’s New Foreign Trade Policy of 2023: A Game Changer for Boosting Exports and Economic Growth Read More »

learn about import and export trade in India

Import and Export Trade Courses in India

Reading Time: 4 minutes Choosing the courses to learn the import and export trade in India could be challenging if you do not have a business background. Knowing what to choose would be easier with knowledge of the industry. Also, some of the terminology or features mentioned in the course could not be understandable to those looking for the …

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indian apparel export

India’s Apparel Export is falling in 2019

Reading Time: 4 minutes   India is going through the worst economic slump in the last 70 years–associated with a strike in consumption, liquidity recession in financial markets, fall in apparel export, plunge in FDI and a climate of profound mistrust. India’s apparel exports have plummeted for two consecutive years. As per data from the commerce ministry, India’s overall …

India’s Apparel Export is falling in 2019 Read More »